Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Warner Springs hike to Eagle Rock April 21


April 8 Journey to San Clemente and Carlsbad

 Beth officially has retired from teaching at West Coast University and is now joining me on our retirement journey! LOL. Our first adventure is a four-day trip to San Clement State Beach Campground!

Back at it March 31

 Our first hike since the crash.  Hike around Claremont Hills.

Southern Terminus of the PCT

 On our projected start date of 3/4/2024, I headed alone, towards the Southern Terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail to see whom we may have been hiking with and to pick up the PCT moniker. Our start of the PCT was interrupted when my hiking partner was in a bicycle accident which resulted in 9 broken ribs and two punctured lungs. We hope to do some portion of the PCT this year and if possible delay the start until next hiking season.

PCT Hike Delayed!

 My PCT, Pacific Crest Trail hike has been placed on hold. My hiking partner was on a training bike ride on Baseline Drive and was involved in a three-bicycle accident that placed him in the hospital for a week. He broke at least four of his ribs and punctured both of his lungs. The accident took place just two weeks before we were scheduled to begin our journey on March 3, 2024. We have not ruled out a later start and or doing a portion of the hike, and or postponing the hike until next hiking season in 2025.

On our start date +1, March 4, I drove down to the town of Campo, CA. which is about 1 1/2 hours east of Encinitas on the Mexican border, this is the Southern Terminus of the PCT. I went to meet who might have been hiking with me and to pick up the placards that are given to permitted hikers.

Here's to dreaming!

Saturday, February 3, 2024

30 Days

I will begin hiking the PCT on March 3, 2024. A friend and I will hike section A thru F. 

Photos taken on May 11,2023 when my son left for his PCT hike experience